Dr. WANG is a Post-Doctoral Fellow of Prof. Lei CHEN in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Prior to that, he obtained his bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics Engineering from Zhejiang University (2019.06), and subsequently completed his doctoral degree in Computer Science and Engineering from HKUST (2024.01), under the supervision of Prof. Lei CHEN.
Currently, Dr. WANG is primarily working on:
- The analysis and optimization of Large Language Models (KDD 2024).
He also works on RAG and long context of LLMs including KV-cache management;
Image Processing including labeling (ICDE 2024), segmentation, and denoising (ICCV 2023).
His previous works include:
- Spatiotemporal crowdsourcing (VLDB 2022)(CIKM 2021)(VLDB 2020). He works on the effectiveness and efficiency of ridesharing tasks based on methods of combinatorial optimization.
- ANN optimization (WSDM 2022). He designed polynomial activation functions for chaotic system simulation to capture high-order dynamics.
In addition to these works since his postgraduate research, Dr. WANG demonstrated an early aptitude for academic work. During his undergraduate studies, he published three papers (CMS 2018)(MRE 2018)(AIP 2019).